Drawing this map I was struck by the odd long winding corridor joining #23 to the rest of the Hobgoblin lair, and I'd prefer it to make a feature of it instead of it just being odd.
Then I noticed that there are two sets of stairs leading up from the Goblin lair at the east end, but only one at the western end. Hence it would make a nice feature for #23 to be higher than the rest of the Hobgoblin lair, and make the corridor to 23 slope upwards.
The text says that "corridors slope upwards and downwards between the contours, even when stairways are not shown". I always took this to mean that the corridors slope up and down in a random fashion, but by referring to "between the contours" it's clear that it means that it's no accident that there's often stairs when you cross contours - it's supposed to be tiered in this fashion. So, roughly speaking, there's supposed to be slopes whenever you cross a contour. I'd never noticed but that is indeed where the stairs and slopes generally are (10 are on or just next to contours - only one isn't).
So I'm going to mark slopes on and say all caves are actually level except where slopes/stairs are marked. The stairs are roughly 1 in 1 and go up 25 feet in 20 feet. (One in the bottom right is only one square, one in the middle bottom is 3 squares and I'll assume they're the same steepness). The slopes are generally 30 foot long, and going up more than half this would be incredibly steep, so I say 30' slope = 10' steps.
To make it all match up then, you need something like the following:
- a slope in the corridor going up to #23
- a slope in the corridor going down west of #13
- two slopes between the entrance to I and #36. It's tricky to place these, so I might put a lot of 10' slopes here.
- a slope going down in the secret corridor north of #50
I'm quite surprised that by doing this I've solved the mystery (or at least mystery to me) of the mention of fireplaces and sloping corridors in the text!
This is the halfway stage - just five more lairs to go now. The next Cave of Chaos is The Shunned Cavern.
This is the halfway stage - just five more lairs to go now. The next Cave of Chaos is The Shunned Cavern.
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